Southwark.TV Festival of Film & Local Media 2024_What Was On

organised by Community TV Trust with Elevated Minds CIC & Michelle Baharier FRSA

12-16 February 2024

for young + old alike … Southwark films & videos … celebrated 20 years of local people speaking out



Monday 12 Feb: 6-8pm LAUNCH Filmfrom Local to Social” [cert 12A, 2023] Q+A followed  VENUE: Peckhamplex cinema, 95A Rye Lane SE15 4ST.

Southwark from 2003

Tuesday 13 Feb: 11-2pm  ASPIRATION: 3 x 60mins* [recorded for podcast, see below] Three approaches to stimulating purpose and self belief in life, with Stephen Akinsanya, Rachel Duncan and others. These events were aimed especially at young people. Presented by Festival partner Elevated Minds CIC.

Tuesday 13 Feb: 12.30-2.30pm LARGACTYL SHUFFLE was led by Festival partner, Michelle Baharier FRSA who reflects on the housing and some of the famous who pass through. It came in a long tradition of Southwark Walks that for mental health sufferers symbolised their journey towards wellbeing and were social too. VENUE for the start: Theatre Peckham

Michelle Baharier muses on the Southwark she passes through

Tuesday 13 Feb: 3-5pm  Two creative interventions Taking Control with key life skills: first was Peer Mediation with Mel Bruce of Calm Mediation:

Peer mediators from Bacon’s College

This was followed by entrepreneur George Osei-Oppong Junior with a presentation on Financial Education. These represent two creative interventions in young lives.

Wed 14 Feb: 11.30-12.30pm “Why the change, be the change!”   Bias comes in many forms: how do we deal with it? Stephen Bourne, the local author of Black British History, joined Doreen Sinclair-McCollin and others. An Elevated Minds event.

Stephen Bourne, British Black History author

Wed 14 Feb:  2pm-3.30pm  Community & f/Faith* [event recorded for podcast]  “In a multicultural society does belief have a role?” A round table discussion with some of Southwark’s leading thinkers was recorded for podcasting. Guests included former Mayor Althea Smith, current local top cop DCS Adjei-Addoh, legendary community activist Eileen Conn (Peckham Vision), two young people from Elevated Minds, retired judge Marcia Levy, former director of Bede House Nick Dunne, and long serving local police officer Nsikan Etuk from Southwark’s Faith & Engagement team.

Thurs 15 Feb:  10-11.30am  Short films for Year 4-6  A mixed bag of funny and challenging films made by young people over the years from 2003.

Films from young and old
Mystery and conflict resolution

Thurs 15 Feb: 2-4pm  Mental Health Forum*    Organised by long time campaigner for Mental Health rights, Michelle Baharier FRSA with guests Dolly Sen and Kym Winstanley. Michelle hung her work at the venue, Theatre Peckham for the Festival and a further three weeks afterwards.

Michelle’s presentation led off
Sue Elsegood
campaigner Baroness Jane Campbell
From Bonkersfest to Theatre Peckham
Kym talks and sings at Theatre Peckham (audio only)

Thurs 15 Feb: 4-6pm  Violence & Mental Health*  With special guest Jonathan Asser about whose therapeutic theory of Shame linking to Violence a film was made in 2013. Asser worked with inmates for 10 years at HMP Wandsworth with positive results but the work was stopped. With Asser on the Q+A panel after a screening of the film were former SVI group member Tola Gisanrin, co-founder and Head of Authenticity at Black Elephant, a social network based on vulnerability, and Andrew Nielsen of Howard League for Penal Reform.

Intro – Screening of SVI film – Discussion/Q+A

Friday 16 Feb: 6-9pm  SOUTHWARK’S GOT TALENT 2024 Closing the Festival week with style and decibels was a talent show for local people with serious aspirations in the performing arts. Event organised by Elevated Minds CIC.

Song, roller skate and hoola hoop

All events were free.

Community TV Trust in partnership with


and Michelle Baharier FRSA


PECKHAM PODCAST channel with all the editions and a few trailers can be found on YouTube:

NEWS: Jo Berry of Building Bridges for Peace and Professor Nigel Biggar CBE, recently ennobled, will be appearing on PECKHAM PODCAST in February and March 2025. Meanwhile here are some of the available stories –

Nick Dunne is a man of Faith and determination who became a pilgrim. You’d need that if you’re going to walk to Italy! There’s a marked trend towards this form of undertaking, in contrast to falling church attendance.

The edition released on 11th December with guest Charlotte Prendergast:

Charlotte Prendergast is CEO of Southside Young Leaders Academy in Peckham. Its focus is solely on Black boys who under-achieve in local schools. “What a wonderful discussion about how a different school curriculum could change the world.” (James of Peckham)

Michelle Baharier FRSA is an artist and campaigner for mental health and disability rights. She lives in south London, used to run CoolTan Arts and is our latest guest on PECKHAM PODCAST, tackling dyslexia and the Assisted Dying Bill, among other things.

Wallee & Errol This edition of PECKHAM PODCAST is lots of fun, has film clips(!) and features two guests – Errol McGlashan, ex-offender turned poet and performer, and Wallee McDonnell, Artistic Director of Celebrate Life and producer of “POWER to CHANGE”, a film in which both men feature. Episode link.

Stephen Bourne is PECKHAM PODCAST’s sixth guest, a Black British History writer for Black History Month:

Not taught history at school, no agent, & still published (not self published) more than 20 books

PECKHAM PODCAST offered as its fifth edition – Ben Sturge, a businessman and entrepreneur, a deep thinking man who rebuilt life after time in prison. He has a lot to give.

Ben can be viewed here:

Probably PECKHAM PODCAST’s most unusual guest to date is Fernando Carrillo, Peckham’s newest vicar. He was born in a Miami prison and ordained in St Paul’s Cathedral! Joining the breadcrumbs is amazing.

Fernando Carrillo

Community TV Trust [CTVT] was incorporated 25 years ago and offers media training & filmmaking in schools and PRUs and in workshops for the disabled and marginalised. Engaging young people in open-ended creative work, links Community to Education.

In addition we produce documentary films, in the past educational DVDs and a large web-based local media venture called “Southwark.TV”.


Look out for the CTVT inspired project “Hert-Attack” [] running at Hertford Regional College where students are creating a locally focussed website delivering their own brand of content to local people. Target audience  16-24. It has been driven by second year National Diploma media students who have had fun building the project from nothing, using skills from presenting to video production, shooting videos, bands, 5-a-side footie … including a long day by the ‘red carpet’ in Leicester Square for the Bond Premiere of “Quantum of Solace”, and a trip to Wembley following the pumped up  fans of Stevenage Borough FC who went on to win their Final at the national stadium. Most of the team took away genuine experience – you might say work experience having spent nine months in a formal production team producing media for a public website.

As of September 2009, the project has been running under the heading of ‘Social Action and Community Media Production’, seeking to deliver much more of a focus on the local community rather than exhibit the video production skills learned on the course. Beyond doubt is the value to the students of collaborating on a large, external project, designed to forge links with real people outside college. Chris Haydon, director of Community TV Trust, leads the FE College project and as ever looks to develop links between Education and Community.