Community TV Trust has produced five educational DVDs to date and believes in their enormous, intrinsic value. A sixth is currently in production. As attention span diminishes, technology supplies an imaginative answer: it has become a ‘big ask’ for a person to give half an hour (or more) to viewing work, the non-linear deftness of the DVD offers viewers and teachers all the options.

To date, CTVT DVDs are –

The two most recent productions were both launched at Tate Modern and clients include Metropolitan Police, Department of Health, Southwark Council/Safer Southwark Partnership. Partner organisations include Goose Green Primary School whose Year 6 pupils became members of the Healthy Eating production team, interviewing all the main contributors. In 2008 we completed a sixty minute documentary for Bede House which featured material shot by beneficiaries of Bede House whom CTVT trained up as part of the overall project. Facilitating whilst producing has become bread and butter for us.

Film, training and DVD production in 2010 and 2011 extended across the Mosques of Southwark and the south London Traveller community, and towards the end of 2011 engaged with ex-offenders on the Gangs DVD project. Both the MOSQUE and TRAVELLERS DVDs have been distributed to schools in the area.