BBD3 film

“Belt, Braces & Disability 3”

This film, produced by Troy, Rachel and Daniel, was two years in the making, partly due to the pandemic. It features three remarkable people each of whom has shown that disability can be an inspiring sphere of human life just as it can be difficult, bullied and disadvantaged. Lisa says,

“It’s shocking the standards that disabled people have to put up with and in this day and age, but to be honest it wasn’t that surprising to me, as someone who cares for a person with a disability. I loved the film’s life affirming message.”

One participant, Ralph, said: “it’s a shame we have to fight so hard to get our voices heard.”

It is the third in the “Belt, Braces & Disability” series dating back to 2010&2017. All three largely autobiographical films were directed by Chris Haydon.

This film features
  • former Paralympian Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
  • campaigning Baroness Jane Campbell, a legendary fighter for disability rights … both sit in the House of Lords on the Cross Benches
  • former bank manager Mike Newman who was born blind, became a bank manager and now runs a charity for disabled people to try their hand at driving a racing car on a racetrack. He set world land and water speed records in excess of 200mph and 100mph respectively.
It launched on World Disability Day Saturday 3 December 2022.

BROOKWOOD: The Living and The Dead

CTVT’s documentary, produced with Ole Jensen who brought the recent Millwall FC film project, explores the world of minority burial grounds and Victorian foundations of today’s multicultural Britain.

There are powerful stories in this film of migration, sometimes over centuries, of refugees fleeing war, of economic migrants who find they have put down roots and stay, of community, of respect and love.

Breaking Bonnie

Here is a crime drama, a single 52 minute film, produced with Freewheelers media group via the services of Chris Haydon who has worked as their media tutor since 2006. This complex story of drugs, corruption and redemption was produced in eighteen months. As is the custom, dialogue is improvised after lengthy discussions and planning over plot and character.

Ems Dooley, who came up with the story, plays Supt. Bonnie De’ath whose drug habit leads her astray. Redemption comes at a price, with a significant sacrifice.

Bede House at 70 documentary

Newly uploaded is our 2008 film celebrating seven decades of work in Bermondsey for Bede House. Old stories, archive film and photographies, valuable historical testimony from the main players some of whom are no longer with us …

The commission came from Nick Dunne who is still Bede’s Director these several years later. He wrote and narrated the film.


PECKHAM PODCAST channel with all the editions and a few trailers can be found on YouTube:

NEWS: Jo Berry of Building Bridges for Peace and Professor Nigel Biggar CBE, recently ennobled, will be appearing on PECKHAM PODCAST in February and March 2025. Meanwhile here are some of the available stories –

Nick Dunne is a man of Faith and determination who became a pilgrim. You’d need that if you’re going to walk to Italy! There’s a marked trend towards this form of undertaking, in contrast to falling church attendance.

The edition released on 11th December with guest Charlotte Prendergast:

Charlotte Prendergast is CEO of Southside Young Leaders Academy in Peckham. Its focus is solely on Black boys who under-achieve in local schools. “What a wonderful discussion about how a different school curriculum could change the world.” (James of Peckham)

Michelle Baharier FRSA is an artist and campaigner for mental health and disability rights. She lives in south London, used to run CoolTan Arts and is our latest guest on PECKHAM PODCAST, tackling dyslexia and the Assisted Dying Bill, among other things.

Wallee & Errol This edition of PECKHAM PODCAST is lots of fun, has film clips(!) and features two guests – Errol McGlashan, ex-offender turned poet and performer, and Wallee McDonnell, Artistic Director of Celebrate Life and producer of “POWER to CHANGE”, a film in which both men feature. Episode link.

Stephen Bourne is PECKHAM PODCAST’s sixth guest, a Black British History writer for Black History Month:

Not taught history at school, no agent, & still published (not self published) more than 20 books

PECKHAM PODCAST offered as its fifth edition – Ben Sturge, a businessman and entrepreneur, a deep thinking man who rebuilt life after time in prison. He has a lot to give.

Ben can be viewed here:

Probably PECKHAM PODCAST’s most unusual guest to date is Fernando Carrillo, Peckham’s newest vicar. He was born in a Miami prison and ordained in St Paul’s Cathedral! Joining the breadcrumbs is amazing.

Fernando Carrillo

Community TV Trust [CTVT] was incorporated 25 years ago and offers media training & filmmaking in schools and PRUs and in workshops for the disabled and marginalised. Engaging young people in open-ended creative work, links Community to Education.

In addition we produce documentary films, in the past educational DVDs and a large web-based local media venture called “Southwark.TV”.