LET’S TALK filmed a Musical and a Drama

LET’S TALK filmed is scenes from a musical written, composed and performed by students at Harris Academy Peckham. The script came from real life and the murder of a former pupil in south London when he tried to intervene in a fight.

This formed part of the film screening in autumn 2019 of schools and youth clubs in Southwark.

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Filming also took place of “One Road, Two Paths“, a powerful drama by local company Movement Factory, a Peckham-based dance group for 11-19 year olds. Five dancers from the company attended the final LET’S TALK Forum at HAP and performed extracts from their production. Here’s the film:

Filmed & edited by CTVT

2018 Autumn Update

CTVT won funding from The Peckham Settlement for a knife crime project that focuses on discussion forums for young people and a documentary film to be taken into schools. The discussion forums will be attended by 30+ students who will be listened to by a ‘panel’ of 12 or more professionals from across Government, Police, education, community liaison, faith, the arts, sport, youth work, and so on. The first event is scheduled for 31st October at 6pm, with a central Southwark venue to be announced. The job of the ‘panel’ will be to listen hard across the four events and then come together on a fifth occasion to reflect on all that they will have heard, to share insights and ideas, to consider whether there are clear action points emerging from the process. Themes for these open discussion forums will be:

Home Life & Parenting;

Peer Pressure, Drugs & Gangs;

Social Life, Sex & Self Esteem

Sport & Wellbeing.

On 25th October there will be a screening at Peckhamplex of Chris Haydon/CTVT’s latest documentary commission, a film about Millwall FC and its past fifty years. The story is told predominantly by older black fans and black players. The one-hour film will soon be available online via this website. It was directed/edited by Chris and produced by Ole Jensen for Bede House. Also for Bede House will be a new promotional video currently in post production.

Meanwhile, CTVT continues to support Freewheelers Theatre & Media Company with its filmmaking expertise, with a Film Night coming up on 7th November at Dorking Halls in Dorking. At this event films will be shown from the two weekly workshops running in Leatherhead and Cobham for disabled adults: in the line up will be a half hour drama and three songs marking the centenary of the 1918 Armistice ending the First World War.

MENders in Peckham

CTVT is producing short videos for Peckham Settlement, funders of community focused initiatives and organisations in Peckham SE15.

Here is a look at the ‘shed’ world of older men and their creativity, based in Peckham’s old library building. Meet “MENders”:

The venture is full of characters and character. Meet Francis, Dennis, Nico and others who express themselves in practical projects and amiable sharing all under the guidance of the vastly experienced Axel. Well done to Age UK Lewisham & Southwark who run the scheme. The ‘shed’ is oopen on Fridays and Saturdays at 122 Peckham Hill Street SE15.

This short film is the first of many more to come as Peckham Settlement aims to increase awareness of its desires to support local ventures with modest grants. This means Community TV Trust will be busy in production, publishing the video stories both here and on other websites.

Breaking Bonnie

Here is a crime drama, a single 52 minute film, produced with Freewheelers media group via the services of Chris Haydon who has worked as their media tutor since 2006. This complex story of drugs, corruption and redemption was produced in eighteen months. As is the custom, dialogue is improvised after lengthy discussions and planning over plot and character.

Ems Dooley, who came up with the story, plays Supt. Bonnie De’ath whose drug habit leads her astray. Redemption comes at a price, with a significant sacrifice.