We wish to acknowledge the passing of Tony Lynes aged 85, Southwark resident and stalwart of the community, who died today after being hit by a car on Herne Hill. We first met Tony over a decade ago when he was running Southwark Pensioners Action Group [SPAG]. It immediately became clear that the word ‘Action’ meant what it said. Tony was a willing learner, if not entirely free of trepidation! It was an honour to aid this big-hearted member of the community to embrace aspects of modern technology. SPAG went on to produce one of the most developed sections of our Southwark.TV website, carrying much campaigning material, reports, minutes, and so forth.
Over the years Tony’s commitment to life appeared to remain undiminished. He was a gently, charming, intelligent man and also a no-nonsense campaigner. A lovely combination. He will be much missed.